Solved! AWS RDS Import .. you need .. SUPER privilege(s)

RDS Parameter Policy

If you are installing Magento 2.3.x+, and get an error that eludes to MySQL and you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation, uncheck the install of the module called: Magento_GoogleShoppingAds this is done from the advanced options during the Magento install wizard. You can now proceed to successfully install; otherwise, please continue with the article below.

Many aMiSTACX customers are migrating from other hosting companies or other AWS stacks. Following our DIY migration path is most of the time flawless; however, you may encounter one weird frustrating anomaly along the way when it comes to importing your database to RDS.

“Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation”.

Not to get into the specifics, you can research yourself.

Step 1. Create a new RDS parameter group.

Step 2. In the new parameter group search and set this log_bin_trust_function_creators to 1

Step 3. Attach this new parameter group to the RDS instance and reboot the instance.

Step 4. You may need to install the Peal library:

sudo apt install libwww-perl -y

Step 5. Run this perl code to massage the Definer out of your dumped soon to be imported database:

perl -pe 's/\sDEFINER=`[^`]+`@`[^`]+`//' < mysqldump.sql > mysqldump.fixed.sql

[Use your file naming convention.]

Step 6. Re-run the import with the new cleaned database:

sudo mysql -u USER -h RDS-ENDPOINT -p DATABASE < mysqldump.fixed.sql

Step 7. If importing is finished, think about setting log_bin_trust_function_creators to 0 [the default]

Step 8. Don’t forget to delete any dump and the fixed sql files!

That’s it! In like Flynn 🙂

~ Lead_Robot