React.JS and Node.JS deploy for Laravel

Our new deployment solution for Laravel 10, 9, or 8 on AWS has some super flexible features. aMiSTACX understands that developers may want to jump right in and build a frontend with the Laravel backend without having to waste time figuring out how to install React or Node and build the server stack. Our G6F… Continue reading React.JS and Node.JS deploy for Laravel

AWS Hosting Turnkey Deployments

Amazon AWS Marketplace available packaged stack deployments via aMiSTACX : Laravel 10 deployment solution by aMiSTACX Laravel 10.x deployment via aMiSTACX G6 Flexibility! This pcakaged stack brings you simplistic deployment and configuration while increasing performance. Performance features such as Apache or NGINX, PHP 8.1, MySQL 8, Redis, HTTP2, phpMyAdmin, and more. Deployment time in about… Continue reading AWS Hosting Turnkey Deployments

Laravel Development Stacks

We provide turnkey supported Laravel® open-source developer application deployment stacks for Amazon AWS.

Packaged and deployable in less than five minutes. Using the AWS CFT deployment will allow you to select the Laravel 10, 9, or 8 deployment package.

aMiSTACX includes our A51 Monitoring & Control dashboard that will allow you to monitor and control your AWS empire. Our packaged deployments start as little as 0.038 hr, pay as you go, stop any time.

Weaponize your Business with aMiSTACX!