Magento 2 : Apache vs. NGINX

We recently tested our optimized S3 Titanium demo stack for Magento 2.4.6 Open Source, and ran a GTMetrix test for Apache, and a GTMetrix speed test for NGINX on the same server. Both HTTP server apps are excellent starting points for scoring high speed and quality numbers on GTMetrix, Google Insights, and Bitcatcha. The following… Continue reading Magento 2 : Apache vs. NGINX

Magento Open Source High Availability

We provide supported turnkey packaged Magento® 2.x Open Source scalable ecommerce solutions on Amazon AWS. All of our S3 Titanium stacks feature our performance suite of modules, and offer incredible added value.

Our G-Flexibility line offers multiple configurations for deployment. Flexible architecture such as select your database engine [MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB], http web server [Apache, NGINX], catalog search engines for Magento, and the ability to easily switch multiple PHP versions. All ideal when developing and testing high performance ecommerce sites.

Additionally, we include our A51 Monitoring & Control dashboard that will allow you to monitor and control your AWS empire.

100% Freedom & Control over your stack, and pay-as-you-go and stop at any time

Weaponize your Business with aMiSTACX!

AWS S3 Module for Magento 2

Horizontal Scaling for Magento 2.2.5+ w/ aMiSTACX S3R-Alpha Module Our new S3R-Alpha Module for AWS S3. This will allow serving all Magento Open Source media images and static content from AWS S3. Resulting in faster performance, less local storage, memory and CPU usage, and a step towards the ability of Magento 2 to horizontal scale… Continue reading AWS S3 Module for Magento 2

Magento 2 Speed Optimization

Our G5F and G5FSP optimized Magento stacks for Magento 2.4.x ~ 2.3.x are an excellent starting point for scoring high speed and great quality numbers on GTMetrix, Google Insights, and Bitcatcha. Go ahead and test a LIVE Magento OSE Luma stack that deployed by an aMiSTACX G6F on an AWS t3-med. All of our stacks are… Continue reading Magento 2 Speed Optimization