S3Sonic Overview As part of our S3 Titanium High Availablity Series for Magento Open-Source, we introduced our S3Sonic module to offer easy on-the-fly RDS Read Replica provisioning for AWS RDS instances. Our S3Sonic High-Availability module will allow the configuration and use of AWS Database Read Replicas from the Magento 2.2.5+ admin console. RDS read replicas… Continue reading AWS RDS Read Replicas for Magento and WordPress
Category: Performance
Improving Time to First Byte TTFB
Improve TTFB for Magento 2 and WordPress Seems of late that TTFB is the focus of many. Well for aMiSTACX it is important, but not the Golden Grail of high performance stack building. We prefer overall speed and reliability to just how fast TTFB can be. [Reminds me of a post on the Magento Community… Continue reading Improving Time to First Byte TTFB
aMiSTACX S3R-Alpha for AWS S3 Media Storage
AWS S3 for Magento Open Source: Configuration and Performance Tips One of the core modules of the aMiSTACX S3-Titanium suite is S3R-Alpha for AWS S3 Bucket storage. Since S3R-Alpha’s original release back in June of 2018, the module has grown with an extensive set of features developed from real-life customer experience and feedback. A glimpse… Continue reading aMiSTACX S3R-Alpha for AWS S3 Media Storage
AWS S3 Module for Magento 2
Horizontal Scaling for Magento 2.2.5+ w/ aMiSTACX S3R-Alpha Module Our new S3R-Alpha Module for AWS S3. This will allow serving all Magento Open Source media images and static content from AWS S3. Resulting in faster performance, less local storage, memory and CPU usage, and a step towards the ability of Magento 2 to horizontal scale… Continue reading AWS S3 Module for Magento 2
aMiSTACX AWS EC2 Speed Optimization Tips
Our stacks are designed for simplicity and speed, and we have continually improved on both since our launch in June 2017. Almost all of our new stacks have a few items worth noting, and we wish to share a few tips should you be tweaking the most out of your page speed and quality scores.… Continue reading aMiSTACX AWS EC2 Speed Optimization Tips
How to enable Redis on Magento 1.9.3.x
This procedure is for an aMiSTACX deployment. As Redis is already preinstalled and configured, all that is required for Magento is to enable it. [Why are you still running Magento 1.9? It’s obsolete! Please migrate to Magento 2.4.] These instructions are not supposed to superseded Magento’s official instructions, but we will outline a procedure… Continue reading How to enable Redis on Magento 1.9.3.x
How to Modify AWS EC2 Size
How to increase or decrease AWS EC2 instance size. Even with an optimized aMiSTACX stack running on a t3-small, sometimes we just need even more server horsepower. Thankfully AWS makes this very easy! In a few clicks you can increase your EC2 instance size. This means more CPU and more RAM at your fingertips. Plus… Continue reading How to Modify AWS EC2 Size