This procedure is for an aMiSTACX deployment. As Redis is already preinstalled and configured, all that is required for Magento is to enable it. [Why are you still running Magento 1.9? It’s obsolete! Please migrate to Magento 2.4.] These instructions are not supposed to superseded Magento’s official instructions, but we will outline a procedure… Continue reading How to enable Redis on Magento 1.9.3.x
Category: Magento Optimization
Magento 2 Speed Optimization
Our G5F and G5FSP optimized Magento stacks for Magento 2.4.x ~ 2.3.x are an excellent starting point for scoring high speed and great quality numbers on GTMetrix, Google Insights, and Bitcatcha. Go ahead and test a LIVE Magento OSE Luma stack that deployed by an aMiSTACX G6F on an AWS t3-med. All of our stacks are… Continue reading Magento 2 Speed Optimization