We recently tested our optimized S3 Titanium demo stack for Magento 2.4.6 Open Source, and ran a GTMetrix test for Apache, and a GTMetrix speed test for NGINX on the same server. Both HTTP server apps are excellent starting points for scoring high speed and quality numbers on GTMetrix, Google Insights, and Bitcatcha. The following… Continue reading Magento 2 : Apache vs. NGINX
Category: Magento Optimization
Magento 2 Module Disable List
aMiSTACX Module Disable List for Magento 2 Open Source When you deploy a new aMiSTACX stack for Magento 2 Open Source from Amazon AWS Marketplace, the CloudFormation Template [CFT] will ask you if you want to disable Magento 2 modules. Why would you want to disable modules for your store? For example, why would you… Continue reading Magento 2 Module Disable List
Magento 2.4+ without Elasticsearch
StarFlare is our new catalog search module for Magento Open Source that removes the requirement having Elasticsearch running on Magento 2.4+. Elasticsearch will still need to be installed, but the requirement for it to be in a running active state will be removed. Our StarFlare module is currently in Beta testing, and is standard for… Continue reading Magento 2.4+ without Elasticsearch
Magento 2 FPC Booster
If you want to go to war with your competition, or build a Shopify killa site at a fraction of the hosting cost, then you must make use our Ramjet FPC Booster. With over four and half years of extensive deployments and continual improvement from feedback from our customers, Ramjet just adds amazing performance to… Continue reading Magento 2 FPC Booster
Magento 2.2 Case Study with SketchBubble.com
Enterprise Solutions for Magento What do you do when you need to modernize Magento 1.9 to Magento 2.2 and at the same time improve speed, reliability, security, and manageability? Who do you turn to that has the expertise, and the tools to get the job done? And deliver it all like yesterday, and before the… Continue reading Magento 2.2 Case Study with SketchBubble.com
aMiSTACX S3R-Alpha for AWS S3 Media Storage
AWS S3 for Magento Open Source: Configuration and Performance Tips One of the core modules of the aMiSTACX S3-Titanium suite is S3R-Alpha for AWS S3 Bucket storage. Since S3R-Alpha’s original release back in June of 2018, the module has grown with an extensive set of features developed from real-life customer experience and feedback. A glimpse… Continue reading aMiSTACX S3R-Alpha for AWS S3 Media Storage
Solved Magento 2 One or more integrations
Solved – One or more integrations have been reset because of a change to their xml configs. One of the most annoying messages to come from recent Magento 2 installs is the above message. Not only is it annoying, but it appears to slow down the loading of the Magento Admin console. The name of… Continue reading Solved Magento 2 One or more integrations
AWS S3 Module for Magento 2
Horizontal Scaling for Magento 2.2.5+ w/ aMiSTACX S3R-Alpha Module Our new S3R-Alpha Module for AWS S3. This will allow serving all Magento Open Source media images and static content from AWS S3. Resulting in faster performance, less local storage, memory and CPU usage, and a step towards the ability of Magento 2 to horizontal scale… Continue reading AWS S3 Module for Magento 2
Magento 2 Set Production Mode Error
Magento 2 Set Production Mode Error: /usr/bin/php7.3 -f /var/www/html/bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy You may see the above error when attempting to switch to Production Mode on Magento 2.x. [As you want to switch to production mode in a public environment so that exception printing is turned OFF.] The cause and the issue has to do with something… Continue reading Magento 2 Set Production Mode Error
aMiSTACX AWS EC2 Speed Optimization Tips
Our stacks are designed for simplicity and speed, and we have continually improved on both since our launch in June 2017. Almost all of our new stacks have a few items worth noting, and we wish to share a few tips should you be tweaking the most out of your page speed and quality scores.… Continue reading aMiSTACX AWS EC2 Speed Optimization Tips