Service Unavailable Friendly Page

Let’s face it. It is kind of embarrassing when our e-commerce site goes down with an ugly “Service Unavailable” message to your customers. Either on purpose for maintenance, or without your knowledge due to a system fault, the default “Service Unavailable” or Magento error pages are just very uninformative. A low cost DIY aMiSTACX solution… Continue reading Service Unavailable Friendly Page

AWS EC2 and RDS Alerting and Monitoring

A51 accounts can now take advantage of simplistic but powerful monitoring, alerting, and health checks on aMiSTACX stacks, and on non-aMiSTACX AWS EC2 servers. How much does downtime cost your business? Hundreds? Thousands? How are you, or your IT team informed of an issue that impacts your site? Do your customers tell you? Or maybe… Continue reading AWS EC2 and RDS Alerting and Monitoring

Set up a Development Environment on AWS w/ aMiSTACX

This article is designated for experts, and expert meaning someone with many years of real DevOps technical experience, certifications, and true/real quantifiable technical experience. Meaning Windows Engineer, Developer, Linux Engineer, and Network Engineer. The reason for this notation and criteria are because the essence of this article will NOT be a step-by-step as the subject… Continue reading Set up a Development Environment on AWS w/ aMiSTACX

Upgrade Magento 2 using Composer

Upgrade Magento 2 to the latest version using Composer [aMiSTACX] Make sure everything is working BEFORE you attempt to upgrade. Also, plan your PHP version ahead of time. Pre-Upgrade Recommendations We will take a manual full image before we start. [You can also use A51’s instant backup.] sudo php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer Disable ALL 3rd… Continue reading Upgrade Magento 2 using Composer

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