React.JS and Node.JS deploy for Laravel

Our new deployment solution for Laravel 10, 9, or 8 on AWS has some super flexible features. aMiSTACX understands that developers may want to jump right in and build a frontend with the Laravel backend without having to waste time figuring out how to install React or Node and build the server stack. Our G6F… Continue reading React.JS and Node.JS deploy for Laravel

Reduce AWS Hosting Costs t3a Class

Although the AWS t3a instance type has been out since 2019, we decided to add the EC2 instance type class to some of our deployment solutions. The simple reason is that many of our customers use our deployment solutions for development work, tutorials, and for demos. These customers do not require max CPU availability that… Continue reading Reduce AWS Hosting Costs t3a Class

Magento 2.4.6p2 Open Source Deployment on AWS

aMiSTACX is pleased to announce a new deployment* package for Magento 2.4.6p2 Open Source on AWS. This particular deployment marks a whole new deployment processing framework that incorporates many new features for deployment speed and stability. New features for this aMiSTACX packaged deployment solution: Also, we have improved stack cleanup, and added additional encryption on… Continue reading Magento 2.4.6p2 Open Source Deployment on AWS

Deploy React.JS with Node.JS in minutes

aMiSTACX has released a new deployment package that will allow React.JS to be deployed as a CFT option when deploying an aMiSTACX package for Node.JS In less than ten minutes, you can have both free open source apps ready to go on AWS. Additional features such as Node Version Manager [NVM], CloudWatch Agent deployment, and… Continue reading Deploy React.JS with Node.JS in minutes

Magento 2 : Apache vs. NGINX

We recently tested our optimized S3 Titanium demo stack for Magento 2.4.6 Open Source, and ran a GTMetrix test for Apache, and a GTMetrix speed test for NGINX on the same server. Both HTTP server apps are excellent starting points for scoring high speed and quality numbers on GTMetrix, Google Insights, and Bitcatcha. The following… Continue reading Magento 2 : Apache vs. NGINX

AWS Hosting Turnkey Deployments

Amazon AWS Marketplace available packaged stack deployments via aMiSTACX : Laravel 10 deployment solution by aMiSTACX Laravel 10.x deployment via aMiSTACX G6 Flexibility! This pcakaged stack brings you simplistic deployment and configuration while increasing performance. Performance features such as Apache or NGINX, PHP 8.1, MySQL 8, Redis, HTTP2, phpMyAdmin, and more. Deployment time in about… Continue reading AWS Hosting Turnkey Deployments

Rust Solo Game Therapy

Can you turn a game that was designed for a survival post apocalyptic PvP free-for-all into a solo therapeutic island retreat? Yes, you can! Although, I’m a new player to the Rust franchise, the game has been around since 2013, and as with all great developments that have been able to span time, part of… Continue reading Rust Solo Game Therapy

aMiSTACX Stack Sunset Listing

Of the course of many years, certain deployment packages get retired. Sun-setting as they call it in AWS. Maybe a package was replaced by another stack, maybe we no longer find it economically feasible to provide a certain deployment stack. Maybe there is little interest in a stack series, or the stack is obsolete. For… Continue reading aMiSTACX Stack Sunset Listing

Deploy Magento 2.4.6 Open Source on AWS

aMiSTACX is pleased to announce a new deployment* package for Magento 2.4.6 Open Source on AWS. This particular deployment marks a whole new deployment processing framework that incorporates many new features for deployment speed and stability. Of particular note, during the AWS Cloudformation deployment process you will be able to select the following options: Additional… Continue reading Deploy Magento 2.4.6 Open Source on AWS

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